Hillary Clinton to renew push for apprenticeships to help hire millennials
Hoping to attract the votes of young unemployed people, Hillary Clinton has proposed offering tax credits to businesses who hire and train apprentices. Apprenticeships, common in Europe but less so in the United States, would offer young people in high school or college an opportunity for paid training, rather than the traditional unpaid internship. High college debts often lead students to take jobs in fields unrelated to their degrees, with many college graduates unemployed.
Apprenticeships have struggled with wider acceptance in the U.S., where higher education and college degrees are more highly valued, and where businesses are unwilling to commit to several months of technical and vocational training, as opposed to the usual few weeks of introductory training. Under Clinton?s proposal, businesses would be offered a $1500 tax credit for offering positions with a paid training period, helping students find a job in their chosen field.
See "Hillary Clinton to renew push for apprenticeships to help hire millennials", Jana Kasperkevic, The Guardian, June 16, 2015