Hotel employees union takes vote on strike
Accusing the Hotel Employer Labor Relations Association representing Chicago-area hotel managers of failing to make serious attempts to reach a compromise over the past week of negotiations (see WIT for July 25, 2002), the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Local 1 yesterday called for a vote to give them the power to call a strike. Although votes were still being counted last night, most officials expected the vote to pass as thousands of cheering members attended large meetings at which Local 1 President Henry Tamarin informed them that they would all receive $200 per week in strike pay if a walkout was necessary. In addition to its strike fund, the union has been stockpiling food at a pantry it has set up, and has secured the support of community groups and other unions in what looks like a potentially bruising fight to bring workers? pay up to the levels prevailing among hotel workers in New York City.
See "Hotel employees union takes vote on strike", STEPHEN FRANKLIN, Chicago Tribune, August 12, 2002