Housewife seeking appreciation quits housework
Over-worked, under-appreciated, and plain fed-up, Kathy Thompson of Albany, Indiana went on strike twelve days ago, garnering major international media attention that has included interviews for Inside Edition, Good Morning America, CNN, and German television reporters. What makes this so remarkable is that Ms. Thompson is on strike from housework, refusing to do laundry, cook, make the bed, or perform other household chores---all while working outside the home and attending school---so that her husband could go fishing. Although her husband continues to hold out and has not yet reached an agreement with Ms. Thompson on the distribution of household chores, or the flowers and vacation that make up her key bargaining demands, her fight reminds us all that household work and those who perform it are entitled to the same appreciation and respect as all workers.
See "Housewife seeking appreciation quits housework", The Associated Press, CNN, October 6, 2002