Judge sides with school union in public-records case
A judge in a Pennsylvania Commonwealth court sided the 191,000 member Pennsylvania State Education Association yesterday by granting a temporary injunction to shield the home addresses of public school educators. Under the law, only the home addresses of judges, law enforcement officers, and persons under 18 are shielded, but the union has expressed concern over the release of teachers' addresses. An exception clause does exist in the law which allows for the shielding of addresses where a concern for personal safety can be shown. The state Office of Open Records has agreed to comply with the judge's decision until a hearing can determine whether or not the injunction will be made permanent. The union has said that the decision to go to court was based on member's concern over possible harm and anxiety from the release of their addresses.
See "Judge sides with school union in public-records case", Robert Moran, The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 28, 2009