Labor Secretary Gets Verizon and Unions Back Together
After Verizon's CEO, the Communications Workers of America President, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers President met with Thomas Perez, the U.S. Secretary of Labor, the feuding parties have agreed to return to the bargaining table after over a month of protesting. The Secretary of Labor has intervened in other high profile cases in the past, especially when negotiations continue to regress. The Verizon strike marks the largest labor dispute in nearly five years, when Verizon workers famously marched to the picket lines in 2011. In regards to his meeting with Verizon, the CWA, and IBEW on Sunday, Secretary Perez stated, “I was singularly impressed by the parties’ appreciation that time is of the essence, and their strong commitment to use the collective bargaining process to reach a mutually beneficial resolution.”
See "Labor Secretary Gets Verizon and Unions Back Together", Aaron Pressman, Fortune, May 16, 2016