Lisle told to it must arbitrate cop dispute
The Illinois Labor Relations Board held that the Village of Lisle violated a state labor law when it failed to arbitrate a complaint about how time at work is calculated in the Police Department. The village has a practice of rounding off hours that President John Gaw, of the Policeman's Benevolent and Protective Association (PBPA), claims is unfair because it does not fully compensate officers for the time they spend working. The grievance was originally dismissed by the board in March because the union in place before PBPA had decided against pursuing the issue. However upon hearing testimony that the time-clock issue remained unresolved after PBPA took over representation, it was held that the union was entitled to further pursue the unresolved grievance and the village had a duty to arbitrate.
See "Lisle told to it must arbitrate cop dispute", Ted Gregory, Chicago Tribune, August 4, 2003