Mechel Reports Joint Project With Russia?s Federal Labor and Employment Service
Mechel OAO, one of the largest companies in Russia, will participate in the pilot project by the Federal Labor and Employment Service which seeks to improve safety and labor conditions. The pilot project is necessary to set up the agency?s new activity model inspection which will scrutinize many Russian companies? labor safety and working conditions starting in 2018. The Vice President for Human Resources of Mechel has shown confidence that all of the company?s practices are already within the legal requirements for the activity model inspection, and that the company is honored to be chosen to participate. Mechel is one of the world?s major players in the coal, iron, steel, rolled products, and heat and electric power markets and employs more than 80,000 people.
See "Mechel Reports Joint Project With Russia?s Federal Labor and Employment Service", NASDAQ, April 9, 2014