More men file workplace sex harassment claims
The percentage of claims of sexual harassment filed by men in the workplace has doubled in the last two decades, from 8% to 16% of all claims. Out of almost 13,000 claims filed in 2009, a little over 2000 were filed by men. Most experts expect that the increase is due less to an actual increase in male harassment, than to increased reporting of these cases. More men are willing to speak up about sexual harassment now than twenty years ago. Although some cases involve women harassing men most are male-male cases, either men receiving unwanted advances or harassment from other men, or gay men being harassed by other men. The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission says that in the past much of this behavior was brushed off as 'boys will be boys,' but now, the Commission wants to be sure the message that such behavior is unacceptable.
See "More men file workplace sex harassment claims", Sam Hananel, Houston Chronicle, March 7, 2010