New in-person work requirements at Deutsche Bank AB met with strong opposition from employees and unions
Deutsche Bank AB recently announced to employees that the company would be reducing the number of hours employees are allowed to work from home. The new rules will require employees to work in the office at least three days a week, while the previous rules allowed employees to work from home for up to sixty percent of the work week. A significant number of Deutsche Bank AB employees in Germany are represented by the German Farmers’ Association, also known as DBV, and the union has expressed opposition to the new in-person requirements. Workers have stated that Deutsche Bank AB does not currently have enough office space to accommodate workers, and the new rule has resulted in bottlenecks in offices. Following the widespread backlash from company employees, the CEO and the COO have stated that they will discuss in-person requirements with the various labor unions that represent employees around the world.
See "New in-person work requirements at Deutsche Bank AB met with strong opposition from employees and unions", Steven Arons, Fortune, February 28, 2024