New Union Contract for New York City Area Airports Does Not Cover Wages
Yesterday, Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union announced the first labor contract for airport employees in both New York and New Jersey. Although the deal does not contain wage and benefit terms due to the complexity of the airports' pay structures, many believe it is a step in the right direction. Approximately 8,000 union members will vote to ratify the contract sometime next week, averting a holiday walkout. The contract increases job security, improves working conditions, and regularizes schedules. Additionally, the New York employees will receive wage increases that will gradually award them $15 per hour. Airport workers in New Jersey will also see wage boosts, but theirs are strictly tied to cost of living increases.
See "New Union Contract for New York City Area Airports Does Not Cover Wages", Patrick McGeehan, New York Times, December 16, 2016