NFL union leader expects 2011 work stoppage
Classic Monday night entertainment - Monday night football - may be in jeopardy next year (Sunday night football too). In a news conference earlier today, NFL union president DeMaurice Smith, said that he thinks a work stoppage in 2011 is a definite possibility, given the lack of progress in collective bargaining negotiations this year. Controversy continues over the possibility of 2010 without a salary cap, the union still feels management has not disclosed enough profit information, and the union feels like its back is up against the wall. No one seems to want a stoppage, but all may get one anyway. Asked how bad a work stoppage would be for football, Smith replied that on a scale of 1 to 10, a stoppage would merit at least a fourteen. Smith also discussed the tension between older and newer players over pension funds, saying that the union has recognized the system is not working, and has plans to 'fix it.'
See "NFL union leader expects 2011 work stoppage", David Haugh, Chicago Tribune, February 3, 2010