Ohio is trying to fill poll worker shortages in preparation for the Issue 1 election
On August 8th, Ohio residents will have the opportunity to vote on Issue 1, a proposal that would make it more difficult for the Ohio constitution to be amended. If Issue 1 is passed, new constitution amendments would require 60% votes to pass, instead of the 50% votes required in the past. As the election draws closer, Ohio is working to hire more poll workers to fill current poll worker shortages. Over half of the counties in Ohio need more poll workers, but most counties have met the minimum number of poll workers required to keep the polls operations going. The shortage of poll workers is largely due to short notice and the timing of the poll, as it was decided in May that the Issue 1 election would occur in August.
See "Ohio is trying to fill poll worker shortages in preparation for the Issue 1 election", Lily Carey, The Columbus Dispatch, July 19, 2023