Ohio Lawmakers Pass Anti-Union Bill
The Ohio State Legislature has passed a bill that will severely limit collective bargaining rights for public sector workers. The bill bars public employees from striking, does not allow bargaining over health care and pensions, and restricts bargaining to only when the public employer chooses to bargain. The bill also says that if two parties fail to reach an agreement, the legislative body, such as a school board or county, would make the final decision on which offer is better. If no decision is made, the employer's last offer would be the agreement. Opponents of the bill say that it will only hurt workers and the middle class, and that the bill goes too far. Supporters say that the bill is necessary to balance budgets. Democrats and unions say that they will sponsor a ballot referendum this fall. The governor is expected to sign the bill in the next few days.
See "Ohio Lawmakers Pass Anti-Union Bill", Steven Greenhouse, The New York Times, March 30, 2011