Parlon heckled as builders protest cuts
The Irish General Director of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), Tom Parlon, is asking for wage cuts of 10% from building workers in order to avoid layoffs. Unions and national organizers have criticized the request, claiming that the construction industry is responsible for "wreck[ing]" the economy to begin with, and calling for a 3.5% pay increase instead. Workers and labor supporters noted that the huge profits secured by construction firms in previous years dwarf wage increases during that time period by comparison. They added that the cost of materials had decreased, that firms don't face foreign competition for construction projects, and that demand for public projects hadn't fallen all that significantly. Despite all that, the CIF claims wage cuts are the only way to save jobs given falling contract prices for new projects, and falling demand in residential projects. Parlon was greeted by picketing workers who protested as he arrived at the Labour Court this morning seeking the wage reductions.
See "Parlon heckled as builders protest cuts", Time O?Brien, Irish Times, February 19, 2009