Pasadena Unified District Board of Education announces significant layoffs
A recent decision approved by the Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education will cut hundreds of jobs. The motion proposed layoffs affecting both classified and certified employees within the school district, and this means that employees ranging from aides to teachers will be impacted by the job cuts. The layoffs are estimated to affect over two hundred employees. The layoffs are largely due to budget cuts, decreases in COVID-19 federal funding, and decreasing enrollment. The school district released a statement detailing how the Board of Education tried its best to reduce the number of layoffs affecting schools, and that the central school district offices will be the most affected by the job cuts. Thirty percent of workers at the central school district offices will be laid off.
See "Pasadena Unified District Board of Education announces significant layoffs", Leticia Juarez, ABC 7 , February 26, 2024