Phoenix bus operator, unions at impasse
Veolia Transportation Service, which provides bus services for Phoenix, and the unions who represent bus drivers, mechanics and maintenance employees have not agreed on a new contract after more than three months. Talks have been extended three times, and are due to expire tonight, giving the unions a chance to go on strike. However, the union has asked to extend the talks until October 30. The talks are stalling because of a new contract the company has with the City of Phoenix, and the changes that means for the workers. Already changes to sick leave are drawing fire from unions. The company also owes millions to the employees' pension fund and sick pay. A spokesman for the city said that they do not get involved because the workers were not employees of the city, but asked that both sides keep in mind who a strike will hurt.
See "Phoenix bus operator, unions at impasse", Lynh Bui, The Arizona Republic, September 29, 2010