Portland Public Schools tries to recruit substitutes for a strike, union files unfair labor practice complaint
The teachers of the Portland Public Schools will take a strike vote on Wednesday and the administrators of the Portland Public Schools are preparing to have substitutes on hand in case the strike does happen. The Portland Associations of Teachers is attempting to hold its substitute teachers on their side of the picket line, even as school officials attempt to lure them to cross. The school district is offering some substitutes as much as 5 days? worth of pay, even if the strike doesn?t last that long. The teachers union has filed an unfair labor practice against the district for threatening substitute teachers, who are not allowed to engage in a collective strike, but who may be unavailable to substitute teach, who informed district officials that they would not be able to substitute during the proposed timeframe of the strike. The district claims that what the union is calling bullying and threats are officials enforcing the current contract and school district policy.
See "Portland Public Schools tries to recruit substitutes for a strike, union files unfair labor practice complaint", Nicole Dungca, The Oregonian, February 4, 2014