Postal strikes set to resume after talks collapse
Another series of 24-hour strikes are planned across the UK for the rest of this week as talks between Royal Mail and the Communications Workers Union (CWU) broke down. Talks had continued over the last three days, but collapsed today with both sides blaming the other. The union was angered at the company's dismissal of a proposal submitted yesterday; Royal Mail accused the company of being uncooperative, and of walking out of the talks. 43,700 workers will strike across the country tomorrow, 400 in several specific cities on Friday, and 77,000 on Saturday, representing drivers, delivery staff, mail center staff, and collection staff. Protests over the use of 'scab' workers have also begun in some areas.
See "Postal strikes set to resume after talks collapse", Mark Tran, Guardian Unlimited (UK), October 27, 2009