Private moments between employers and employees becoming more public as younger workers take to TikTok to post themselves live-quitting their jobs
Since the recent Great Resignation amidst a tighter labor market, many young people have been live-quitting and uploading their job resignations online, especially on the social media platform TikTok. This trend had been coined with the hashtag “quittok,” and videos under this tag depict the real-time moments workers quit their jobs and have overwhelming amounts of comments in response. One of the reasons this trend has emerged is because many young people in the workforce have grown accustomed to sharing their milestones online, which has translated to include private moments with their employers. Additionally, recent economic stressors, such as the pandemic and mass tech layoffs, as well as cultural shifts regarding work-life balance have likely influenced this trend.
See "Private moments between employers and employees becoming more public as younger workers take to TikTok to post themselves live-quitting their jobs ", Megan Tatum, BBC News, March 28, 2023