Quest to restrict union fees targets 3 new states
New ballot initiatives that will restrict the amount that unions can collect from their members may be put before the voters in Oregon, Ohio, and Missouri. The initiatives are meant to restrict unions? ability to raise funds for public employees only and are expected to spur multi-million dollar advertising campaigns in the states in question. The measures come close on the heels of the laws passed by Indiana and Michigan in 2012 that brought the number of right-to-work states up to 24. The Congressional Research Service has noted that employer tends to be stronger in states with right-to-work legislation, however does not ascribe the link between the two to be causal. By pushing the initiatives as ballot measures, the measures? backers hope to avoid the massive protests at state capitals that were seen in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan.
See "Quest to restrict union fees targets 3 new states", David Leib, The Salt Lake Tribune, December 18, 2013