Radiohead Takes on Sweatshops, Human Trafficking
British rock band Radiohead has lent one of its songs to an MTV campaign to raise awareness about sweatshop labor and human trafficking. The chart-topping group has allowed the international music network to produce a video set to "All I Need" from its latest hit album "In Rainbows" which MTV will air from Thursday and make available to broadcasters. The MTV EXIT (End Exploitation and Trafficking) Campaign has made a video shown in split screen, one side depicting a day in the life of an affluent young child and the other of a child forced to work in a sweatshop. Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke said he saw some irony in the campaign being led by MTV, one of the world's most recognized brands which has spread ideas and ideals of the West and its consumer culture to the rest of the world.
See "Radiohead Takes on Sweatshops, Human Trafficking", Reuters, The New York Times, April 29, 2008