Report Assails Wal-Mart Over Unions
In its first study of how an American company treats its workers, Human Rights Watch asserted yesterday that Wal-Mart?s aggressive efforts to keep out labor unions often violated federal law and infringed on its workers? rights. Human Rights Watch, which typically focuses on rights violations in Burundi, North Korea or other foreign countries, said that when Wal-Mart stores faced unionization drives, the company often broke the law by, for example, eavesdropping on workers, training surveillance cameras on them and firing those who favored unions. Wal-Mart Stores has more than 1.3 million workers at its nearly 4,000 stores in the United States, and none of its workers belong to a union.
See "Report Assails Wal-Mart Over Unions", Steven Greenhouse, The New York Times, April 30, 2007