Rescue Workers Rush In, and Many Do Not Return
Yesterday's attacks resulted in the deaths of thousands of people who were going about their usually safe jobs as bankers, secretaries, stockbrokers and clerks. These attacks also, however, resulted in the deaths of hundreds of New York's Bravest and New York's Finest as they did their jobs---risking their lives to save the lives of others. After the two planes struck the World Trade Center towers, over 400 firefighters and dozens of police officers rushed to the scene. Survivors who escaped the two buildings have recounted how firefighters helped them to safety, and then disappeared back into the dust and smoke in search of others. Over thirty police officers are still unaccounted for, and fire department head counts conducted by officials last night revealed a growing death toll that has reached the 300's. Among those who have died are the Chief of the Fire Department, the First Deputy Fire Commissioner, the Chief of Rescue Operations, and the department's Roman Catholic chaplain who had rushed to the scene to comfort victims.
See "Rescue Workers Rush In, and Many Do Not Return", EDWARD WONG and JANE FRITSCH, Newsday, September 11, 2001