Rockette Regulars Lose Job Guarantees
Seven months after the contract covering the forty-one dancers on the permanent Rockettes roster expired, Radio City Entertainment and its parent corporation Cablevision Systems yesterday unilaterally implemented terms of employment eliminating the dancers? job security. Radio City Entertainment has been trying for several years to open up all 200 slots in the nationwide roster and force the Rockettes who formerly formed the perennial core of Radio City Music Hall?s almost century old Christmas show to compete for their jobs each year. The company decided to unilaterally end year-to-year job security for the dancers---who earn approximately $1,300 to $1,600 a week but are only hired for fifteen weeks per year---after they turned down the company?s offer of a buyout in return for eliminating job security.
See "Rockette Regulars Lose Job Guarantees", ROBIN POGREBIN, The New York Times, August 13, 2002