Screen Actors Guild close to booting chief negotiator, Doug Allen
?Moderate? members of the Screen Actors Guild introduced a resolution calling for the removal of chief negotiator Doug Allen Monday night, saying Allen has mishandled contract talks and aggravated existing divisions within the union. The resolution also called for the dissolution of the entire negotiating committee, to be replaced by a group that would restart talks. Although moderates had a slight majority, as of this afternoon they have been unable to call for a vote on the resolution, due to a determined filibuster by Allen supporters who hope to delay the vote until the meeting ends. Allen supporters hope to help him retain his job, thereby allowing the union to proceed immediately with their scheduled strike authorization vote, already a week late, which they say will give them more bargaining power with the producers. The dissent, however, makes it unlikely that a pro-strike measure will pass, even if the vote takes place.
See "Screen Actors Guild close to booting chief negotiator, Doug Allen", Richard Verrier, Los Angeles Times, January 12, 2009