Sister of St. Joseph of Orange not siding with healthcare workers union
Despite a long-standing reputation as a friend to labor, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange are today caught up in a struggle with SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West. The union wishes to organize over 8,000 workers in five hospitals operated by the sisters. They have accused the nuns of using anti-union techniques, such as holding mandatory anti-union meetings and intimidating potential labor leaders. The sisters have denied using such tactics, saying they object only to the signing of a pre-agreement, which could limit employees? choice of union. Some see the battle as another in a series of struggles between unions and Catholic healthcare groups, in which they believe the healthcare groups have not lived up to their own religious standards. Others argue that it is the union at fault, for embarrassing and harassing the sisters.
See "Sister of St. Joseph of Orange not siding with healthcare workers union", Tony Barboza, Los Angeles Times, August 13, 2008