Slave-free jeans sell out on 'Markle sparkle' but can companies back ethical vows?
A pair of jeans produced by a social enterprise that employs people who formerly worked as slave laborers, sold out after being worn by the Dutchess of Sussex. However, this trend of marketing clothing as ethically produced has critics concerned regarding the efficacy of company claims that products are, in fact, slave-free. Consumers today are more aware of the negative impact that “fast fashion” has on the environment and on the laborers who are tasked with producing such items. While companies are eager to advertise their products as slave-free, it is incredibly difficult to prove that no worker abuse has taken place at any point in the supply chain.
See "Slave-free jeans sell out on 'Markle sparkle' but can companies back ethical vows?", Kieran Guilbert, Reuters, November 14, 2018