South African Union Opposes Wal-Mart Buy of Massmart
The South Africa Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union, which represents around 80,000 workers at South African retail store Massmart, launched an Anti-Walmart Campaign last month, ad has hired lawyers to go over the proposed buyout of Massmart by Wal-Mart. The union says that it will not rule out striking, and will see how their campaign goes before making any decisions. Massmart says that it has good relationships with the union, and hopes to discuss the deal with them. Wal-Mart said that it will honor existing contracts and labor laws. The union has accused Wal-Mart of anti-union practices, and is concerned about the affect Wal-Mart will have on the local economy.
See "South African Union Opposes Wal-Mart Buy of Massmart", Robb M. Stewart, The Wall Street Journal, November 28, 2010