South Africa's Zuma Orders Ministers to End Strike
After 13 days of striking, talks will begin again today between the South African government and striking workers. A government spokesmen said that they would try to resolve the strike as quickly as possible, and union spokesmen seconded the sentiment, adding that they hoped the government had a better offer. The Congress of South African Trade Unions has called for a a general strike on September 2, which could shut down mining, construction, and other industries. Workers are asking for a 8.6% pay increase and a 1000 rand housing allowance. Rubber and tire workers began their own strike today, and are asking for a 105 wage increase, and the National Union of Mineworkers are continuing there strike that began on August 27.
See "South Africa's Zuma Orders Ministers to End Strike", Nasreen Seria and Mike Cohen, Business Week, August 29, 2010