Starbucks to Provide Free College Education to Thousands of Workers
Starbucks has partnered with Arizona State University to bring free online college courses to all of its 135,000 employees who work at least 20 hours per week or more. The program includes only two years of college to finish a bachelor?s degree, but is still unprecedented in the service sector. Also, unlike many paid tuition programs, Starbucks is not requiring that the employees who have the company pay for their education commit to remain at the company for any period of time. A spokesperson for the company said the program was the most significant investment the company has made for its workforce, but also believes that the program along with Starbuck?s generous retirement benefits, stock options, healthcare coverage, and pay will attract and retain better talent.
See "Starbucks to Provide Free College Education to Thousands of Workers", Richard Perez-Pena, The New York Times, June 15, 2014