Stop & Shop strike averted
The months-long tensions and fears of strike have ended at Stop & Shop groceries in three eastern states as workers agreed to a new contract Sunday. Five locals of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island all voted to approve three-year contracts yesterday. The contract, which preserves benefits, and provides for some wage raises, was approved by secret ballot, after what has been called an 'intense' two hour meeting. Most employees expressed relief at the vote, saying it has lifted quite a weight from their shoulders. However, 309 employees at a Shaw's Supermarkets distribution center, owned by the same parent company, overwhelmingly rejected the contract and began a strike yesterday morning. In general, employees and management at Stop & Shop seemed pleased with the contract and the outcome of the vote.
See "Stop & Shop strike averted", Peter Schworm, The Boston Globe, March 7, 2010