Strike halts work at ALMH
Illinois Iron Workers Local 46 is striking after negotiations with the Central Illinois Builders Association (CIB), which represents about 2-dozen regional contractors, broke down. A spokesman for the iron workers, Mike Whalen, said that they were open to further negotiation, but that CIB had not given them an idea of when that might be. The union is asking for a $1.75 and hour pay raise, while CIB is offering a $1.08 raise. Whalen cited successful negotiations between the heavy and highway union and CIB, who came to an agreement in two days. He responded to comments made by the CIB calling the strike reckless and unreasonable by pointing out that this is the first strike since 1974, and that they want to have a wage that is comparable to other crafts, especially considering the danger of the work. Other labor unions have not crossed the picket lines a various job sites in solidarity with the iron workers.
See "Strike halts work at ALMH", Joshua Niziolkiewicz, Lincoln Courier, May 3, 2010