Supreme Court deals major blow to public sector unions
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court dealt a massive blow to public sector workers by overturning a more than forty year old decision which allowed public sector unions to collect fair share fees in order fund collective bargaining activities. This landmark ruling in Janus v. AFSCME passed today with a 5-4 vote and really exemplifies how the blocking of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee has drastically changed the political landscape of the high court. The decision seriously jeopardizes unions’ funding since, while non-members have no obligation to pay fair share fees, unions are still required to represent the so-called freeloaders in grievance arbitration and provide them with other collective bargaining services. The paradigm puts a massive strain on unions’ resources, and will more than likely have a devastating impact on the political and economic power of a huge number of American workers.
See "Supreme Court deals major blow to public sector unions", Ariane de Vogue and Clare Foran, CNN, June 27, 2018