Teachers union boss: Contract talks likely to extend into mayoral campaign
The Chicago Teachers Union President, Karen Lewis, has made it clear that an extension of the current three year contract is extremely unlikely. The current contract came soon after a seven-day strike in September of 2012 when Mrs. Lewis challenged Mayor Emanuel. Negotiations are not set to begin for several months, the teachers? union and President Lewis have taken the opportunity to begin setting the tone in a series of public discussions. The Chicago School District released a statement that the organization was focusing its attention on the end of the current school year and necessary preparation for the fall, before the negotiations begin. Although President Lewis has made clear that she opposes Mayor Emanuel?s reelection, she had compliments for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle who may run for mayor in February?s election.
See "Teachers union boss: Contract talks likely to extend into mayoral campaign", Noreen S. Ahmed-Ullah, Chicago Tribune, May 5, 2014