Teachers union in O.C. to begin striking
Teachers at the second largest school district in Orange County, California, Capistrano Unified School District, will begin striking today after negotiations hit an impasse. Representatives will still meet today in a continued effort to reach an agreement. 2,200 teachers from the Capistrano Unified Education Association are participating in the strike - forcing the district to struggle to keep schools open. As of now, elementary and middle schools remain open, but high schools will close two hours early each day, and all after-school activities, sports practices, and games have been canceled or suspended. Last month, faced with a budget deficit of over $30 million, the district forced a 10% pay cut and reduction in benefits on the teachers union. In negotiations, the union has been trying to earn some back, phasing out pay cuts over a three-year contract and asking for an assurance that benefits will be reestablished in full if the budget improves. Both sides have accused the other of negotiating in bad faith.
See "Teachers union in O.C. to begin striking", Carla Rivera, Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2010