Teamsters Join Port Labor Rally
In a statement echoed at numerous joint rallies up and down the West Coast yesterday, the presidents of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced to a cheering crowd in the Port of Oakland that the two unions will join forces to make shipping ports solidly union. While both the ILWU and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) plan to continue talks after their existing West Coast contract expires in four days and are seeking to avoid strikes or lockouts (see yesterday?s WIT), the Teamsters have agreed not to cross ILWU picket lines in the event that there is a work stoppage. In return, the ILWU will assist the Teamsters? efforts to unionize port truckers who are currently paid on a piece-rate system instead of on an hourly wage rate.
See "Teamsters Join Port Labor Rally", LOUIS SAHAGUN, Los Angeles Times, June 27, 2002