Texas Judge Blocks Obama’s Union-Buster Disclosure Rule
After the Obama administration attempted to alter labor regulations to increase transparency in employers’ anti-union tactics, many employer unions and business groups are alleging that this rule would infringe on their First Amendment rights. The practice of hiring a professional anti-union consultant following a workforce’s declaration of intent to organize is commonplace and, as of yet, has never been a matter that an employer has had to disclose to their employees. While unions must legally furnish records of where they allocate their funding, employers do not have to tell employees when they bring in consultants to train supervisors and higher-ups on how to avoid unionization in the workplace. While union leaders and members assert that this law would only further transparency and level the playing field for labor and management, those representing business state that this regulation would threaten the First Amendment rights of employers and give unions an unfair advantage.
See "Texas Judge Blocks Obama’s Union-Buster Disclosure Rule", Josh Eidelson, Bloomberg Business, July 8, 2016