The Trump administration is scrapping a child labor rule. Safety advocates say the reasons are flimsy
The Labor Department is seeking to roll-back an Obama-era regulation that prevented 16-17 year olds from operating power lifts in nursing home and hospitals, citing an employer survey and letters from industry groups that stated that the rule was hurting employment opportunities for younger people in a field that suffers from labor shortages. About 56,000 teenagers ages 16 to 19 work as nursing, psychiatric or home health aides; the move would add 23,000 jobs. Critics say that the rollback will increase injuries, citing government research that concludes that 16 and 17 year olds cannot safely operate power lifts by themselves.
See "The Trump administration is scrapping a child labor rule. Safety advocates say the reasons are flimsy", Suzy Khimm, NBC News, November 5, 2018