U.S. Threatens Sanctions For Human Trafficking
The U.S. State Department issued its second annual report on human smuggling yesterday, estimating that 4 million people are smuggled annually to labor in sweatshops, as household servants, or in the underground sex industry---50,000 women and children into the U.S. alone for sexual exploitation. The report evaluates the efforts made by individual countries to combat this industry which involves profits of $7 billion annually, and found that Greece, Russia and Saudi Arabia are countries which are not making substantial improvements. At the report?s release, Secretary of State Colin Powell committed the U.S. to following through on legislation passed by Congress that will permit economic sanctions against countries found not to be meeting or working towards minimum standards in next year?s report.
See "U.S. Threatens Sanctions For Human Trafficking", MAE M. CHENG, Newsday, June 5, 2002