Union-Friendly Maverick Leads New Charge for Charter Schools
Steve Barr, a major organizer of charter schools, has been waging what often seems like a guerrilla war for control of Los Angeles' chronically failing high schools. In just seven years, Mr. Barr?s organization has founded 10 charter high schools and has won approval to open 10 more. Now, he is fighting to seize control of a gang-ridden school in Watts known as one of the worst in the city. A 15-year-old girl was killed by gunfire there in 2005. In the process, Mr. Barr has fomented a teachers revolt against the school district. He has driven a wedge through the city?s teachers union by welcoming organized labor ? in contrast to other charter operators ? and signing a contract with an upstart union.
See "Union-Friendly Maverick Leads New Charge for Charter Schools", Sam Dillon, The New York Times, July 23, 2007