Unionization conflict continues at Starbucks amongst unfair labor practice charges from NLRB and slow contract negotiations
Since 2021, the NLRB has issued hundreds of unfair practice charges against Starbucks for its aggressive anti-union campaign. However, despite these complaints and various rulings from federal judges ordering remedies for some off the unfair labor practices, Starbucks workers allege that the company is continuing to violate labor laws in its opposition of unionization. As a result, the Starbucks Workers United union successfully pushed for the company's shareholders to order an independent review of Starbucks' labor practices. Recently, Starbucks announced intentions to close the remaining two store locations in Ithaca, New York, which workers claim is due to union activity at those locations, and the union alleges that the company has not been bargaining in good faith. Starbucks has denied acting in retaliation of union activity though and disputed the NLRB's complaints.
See "Unionization conflict continues at Starbucks amongst unfair labor practice charges from NLRB and slow contract negotiations", Michael Sainato, Guardian, May 12, 2023