Unions, NY Assembly Push to End 'Temporary' Hires
After ending a dispute with the New York State United Teachers union over withheld school funding, Governor Paterson is facing another dispute, this time with the Public Employees Federation, the Civil Service Employees Association and even the New York State Assembly. The dispute is over the hiring of temporary workers. Both the Public Employees Federation and the CSEA say that hiring permanent workers would save money in the long term and that Paterson is wasting money by hiring temporary workers. A spokeswoman for the Governor said that the unions were only interested in collecting dues and would do or say anything to get more union members. However, it is not just th unions who want the hiring of temporary workers to end, Sheldon Silver, Democratic Speaker has come out against hiring temporary workers. The New York State Assembly is planning hearings about the hiring of temporary workers, which may lead to legislation stopping it.
See "Unions, NY Assembly Push to End 'Temporary' Hires", Michael Gormley, abc.com, January 14, 2010