Various groups that tend to be overlooked by employers could be the key to filling UK labor shortages
The United Kingdom is experiencing one of the largest labor shortages in the country’s history, with over a million unfilled job vacancies. Certain groups that are willing to work, such as ex-offenders and people with mental disorders, are often overlooked by employers. These potential workers who have the necessary skills are often dismissed because of their pasts or their disabilities. Many businesses use a blanket ban approach when considering ex-criminals for job openings, and only 17% of criminals gain employment after they leave prison. The charity ReGenerate is launching a project that focuses on connecting businesses that are looking for employees with potential workers who have the necessary abilities but are usually not considered.
See "Various groups that tend to be overlooked by employers could be the key to filling UK labor shortages", Tom Ambrose, The Guardian, July 6, 2023