Wal-Mart Blocked by Union Lobbying
Notorious for its virulent anti-unionism, exploitation of workers, and violations of their rights (see WIT?s for Dec. 22, 1999, Dec. 18, 2001, and July 1, 2002), the Wal-Mart Corporation?s recent decision to build forty super stores in California by 2008 has been met with strong opposition by the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). Representing clerks at local supermarkets, the UFCW has dedicated $3 million to fighting Wal-Mart?s attempts to break into the California market with its grocery/discount/pharmacy super stores that muscle out local businesses and drag down living standards by setting a part-time, low-paid, no-benefit employment standard. The union won a significant victory in its fight against the world?s largest corporation, retailer and employer on Tuesday when the city of Inglewood became the first in Los Angeles County to pass an ordinance designed to keep out super stores, but Wal-Mart has successfully fought such measures in the past and is unlikely to give up easily.
See "Wal-Mart Blocked by Union Lobbying", NANCY CLEELAND and ABIGAIL GOLDMAN, Los Angeles Times, October 24, 2002