Waterpark in New York State fined thousands of dollars due to child labor violations
Zoom Flume, a waterpark in East Durham, New York has received thousands of dollars in fines from the United States Department of Labor. The US Department of Labor found the waterpark in violation of child labor laws, as the waterpark hired fifteen-year-old workers. The waterpark employed around 35 minors, and the workers were lifeguards for the water slides. Fifteen-year-olds are allowed to work as lifeguards, but they are not allowed to oversee and tend to mechanically propelled rides. While under investigation by the US Department of Labor, the waterpark changed the employee schedule so that no child workers were stationed on the water slide. Zoom Flume filed an appeal to the fines in court, and the court order found that Zoom Flume was still guilty of violating federal labor laws. Zoom Flume was fined around one thousand dollars for each child worker, and thirty-eight thousand dollars in total.
See "Waterpark in New York State fined thousands of dollars due to child labor violations", Roger Hannigan Gilson, Times Union, February 26, 2024