Will Amazon’s Acquisition Impact Labor Relations at Whole Foods?
Whole Foods has been an anomaly in an industry where the unionization rate is relatively high, able to maintain their presence as a large supermarket without union representation. CEO John Mackey has previously stated that Whole Foods has no need for a union presence because it is rated one of the best places to work and pays good wages. However, Amazon’s recent acquisition of Whole Foods may bring that into question. Amazon is already considering implementing its automated technology systems into Whole Foods, which may result in job loss. This could create the conditions for union organization. The president of the UFCW, which has targeted Whole Foods for years, has condemned the acquisition. However, the UFCW will see little success at unionization unless major culture changes occur which result in employees becoming untrusting of management within the company.
See "Will Amazon’s Acquisition Impact Labor Relations at Whole Foods?", David J. Pryzbylski, The National Law Review, June 28, 2017