Wis. gov.-elect urges no action on labor contracts
The Republican Governor-elect of Wisconsin sent a letter to outgoing Democratic leaders asking them not to approve contracts for public-sector workers in a lame duck session. The agreements, which would be retroactive for two years, have not been released, but are purported to include unpaid furlough days amounting to a 3% pay cut. The Governor-elect says that he needs flexibility to decrease Wisconsin's budget deficit. He also asked the current Governor to stop health care reforms and to stop enacting any new laws before he takes office. The Governor-elect is likely to try and force heavy concessions from the unions when he takes office. Incoming Republican leaders joined the Governor-elect, saying that the contracts should wait until the new legislative session.
See "Wis. gov.-elect urges no action on labor contracts", Scott Bauer, Business Week, November 30, 2010