With wages on the rise in the retail and restaurant industries, more older workers taking part-time jobs that were previously dominated by teenagers
In the past year, earnings have risen at a higher rate in the restaurant and retail industries compared to other industries due to the continuously tight post-pandemic labor market in the service sector. This has had an effect on the labor force, as more older workers have been taking jobs that were previously dominated by teenagers. For instance, older workers looking for more flexible schedules and additional cash flow amongst persistent inflation have begun taking restaurant and cashier jobs. Additionally, older workers bring soft-skills to many outward facing roles, as they have more experience with communication and customer service, and they are less likely to job hop. Despite this influx of a new population of workers into the service sector though, the restaurant industry is still experiencing worker shortages.
See "With wages on the rise in the retail and restaurant industries, more older workers taking part-time jobs that were previously dominated by teenagers ", Paul Davidson, USA Today, April 6, 2023