Women's History Month 2009: Black women still fighting workplace racism
March is National Women's History Month, which is rooted in women's struggle over workplace conditions in the 1850's. Despite significant advances in women's participation in the workforce since then, 2007 statistics indicate that women only earn 77.5cents for ever $1 earned by men. Furthermore, African American women only earn 67 cents for that same dollar. Other statistics show similar discrepancies on the basis of gender and race in the workforce ? putting African American women, in particular, at a disadvantage. African Americans are a lot less likely to succeed in business and have one-tenth the wealth of white Americans on average. African American women are less likely to be married as well ? making balancing the demands of children and work all the more difficult. Both gender and race discrimination remain important concerns in the workplace.
See "Women's History Month 2009: Black women still fighting workplace racism", William Reed, San Francisco Bay View, March 30, 2009