Workers at St. Louis behavioral health services nonprofit seek management support for unionization
Employees who work at Places for People, a St.Louis nonprofit organization that provides behavioral health services for the St. Louis community, gathered outside the company office earlier this week in an attempt to speak with the board of leaders. The gathering was a candlelight vigil, which symbolized peace towards the nonprofit’s leadership. Workers are seeking to speak with Places for People management about union organization, as employees are working to be represented by the Service Employees International union. Places for People announced that if union organization efforts are successful, management will bargain in good faith with the union. Workers have claimed that Places for People management has used anti-union and union-busting strategies, and workers have filed a National Labor Relations Board unfair labor practice charge against the organization. Employees have stated that their top priorities are the right to free and fair elections, the right to express their opinions without repercussions, and the reduction of union-busting tactics from management. Places for People workers have received support from the St. Louis community, including the St. Louis Board of Aldermen.
See "Workers at St. Louis behavioral health services nonprofit seek management support for unionization", Lacretia Wimbley, St Louis Public Radio, November 15, 2023